What is Reiki?
The word Reiki comes from two japanese words. Rei meaning Universal Life and Ki meaning energy.
The Reiki Association International defines reiki as an intelligent, divine energy that serves exclusively to heal and to support health of all living creatures, people, animals and plants. During a treatment the practitioner taps into this fountain of harmonizing, high vibration, purifying intelligent energy, transmitted through gentle touch, the energy activates the self-healing property we posses, aiding in balancing, soothing and calming the receiving party . This energy works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, helping to bring us back to our natural state of peace and well being.
$85 for 60 minute appointment of Reiki, Arolo Tifar or Active Energy Healing.
$120 for Hypnosis session
Rockaway Community Specials on Mondays and Fridays:
Reiki, Arolo and Active Energy Healing: 30 minute appointment $35. 60 minute appointment, $50
Hypnosis, $75 per session.
Home visits Rates through out NYC:
$125 for 60 minute appoitnment of Reiki, Arolo Tifar or Active Energy Healing.
$155 for Hypnosis session
To book an appointment please fill out the form bellow or call 917.279.5737
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